Saturday, December 8, 2012

People claim that there is so much information negating the obvious truth of the end of the world on December 21st. This is blatantly ignorant to claim. I will disprove several of the very common ones right here:

1) The Mayans didn't account for leap years; the world technically should have ended several months ago, so the Mayan calendar is wrong.
-Is this a joke? Obviously if the Mayans can predict the end of the world, they can predict leap year... Everyone knows what leap years are. Obviously the Mayans do too.

2) The Mayan calendar starts over after it ends, just as our January-December does each year as well.
-Wrong again. Have you been using the same calendar every year since the first time you bought one? No. When the 2011 year ended, nobody kept using the same 2011 calendar. When the Mayan calendar ends, there is nothing left, so the world will end.

Most of the information that exists regarding the world not ending in 2012 has been released by governments or government spies under disguise as scientists. People just accept these facts to be true because they think they're from a "credible" source. Look at the facts.
So, there is a huge discrepancy that exists today throughout the world and light needs to be brought to this subject. Hive mind has migrated the beliefs of your average human to believe that the world will not end on December 21st. Wrong. The world WILL end on December 21st, 2012 and all you need to do is open your eyes to believe it. My goal with this blog is to help people do just that: break free of the cloudy haze of knowledge that governments have released to prevent mass panic and destruction as the world ends this month. Don't be blinded. Realize the truth.